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Jobs: Mellow PostDoc at Hendrix College

2010 November 10
by smonani

Post Doctoral Fellowship, Hendrix College. Deadline: November 30.

We seek applicants for a two year post-doctoral fellowship in narrative and other representations of the environment. The successful candidate will have primary interest in literature (and ecocriticism); experience in film, theatre, or visual arts, is particularly welcome. The fellow will teach two to three courses per year and is expected to devote 50% of time to professional activities including research, publication, and campus community engagement of issues related to the specialty. The fellow will enhance the growing Environmental Studies Program by participating in the development of new courses and curricular initiatives. This fellowship was funded by a grant to the Associated Colleges of the South from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The application should include a letter addressing the candidate’s interest in teaching in a demanding yet supportive liberal arts environment, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation (including e-mail addresses and phone numbers), and transcripts of all graduate and undergraduate work. Application materials should be sent to Dr. Joyce Hardin, Biology Department, Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Ave, Conway, AR 72032. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2010. Interviewing will take place at MLA and by phone.

Hendrix is a distinguished liberal arts college with an endowment of $145 million, sheltering a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, located in Conway, Arkansas, thirty miles from Little Rock at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. The College, related to the United Methodist Church, has a strong commitment to excellence in teaching liberal arts. Hendrix is an equal opportunity employer. Members of minority groups and women are especially encouraged to apply. Please visit our website at

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