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CFP: “Where Horror Dwells”

2011 February 9
by smonani

“Where Horror Dwells: Locating Horror across Media Landscapes”
Editors: Drew Beard and Patricia Oman, University of Oregon

Psychoanalysis and gender have dominated scholarship on the horror film for several decades, but they are by no means the only lenses through which horror can be viewed. The fields of ecocriticism, urban studies, transnationalism, and globalization provide exciting new opportunities for exploring the horror genre. At the same time, horror has manifested across media platforms, including television and video games. These developments in the genre and shifts in critical perspectives have occurred in the past decade, following the publication of previous horror anthologies such as “The Dread of Difference” (ed. Barry Keith Grant) and “Horror Film Reader” (eds. Alain Silver and James Ursini). “Where Horror Dwells” is a comprehensive anthology that seeks to build upon and further the study of the horror genre by considering its relationship to metaphors of location and space, e.g., situating the horror genre across media and identifying the common spaces/landscapes of horror. “Where Horror Dwells” is in the process of being submitted to potential publishers.

We welcome new or recently published articles on the production, exhibition, distribution, aesthetic qualities, or cultural significance of the horror genre as it relates to the following subjects: (1) Theorizing the Genre; (2) The Family Unit; (3) Dystopic or Horrific Landscapes; (4) Regional/Global Conflict; and (5) Revisionist Tales.

Abstracts should be 500-1,000 words in length, and include brief biographical details (name, affiliation, and previous publications). Please choose the most appropriate book section, based on those provided above, and submit the abstract as a .doc file to both Patricia Oman ( and Drew Beard ( The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 28, 2011.

Articles should be approximately 35–50 double-spaced pages (approximately 10,000-15,000 words) in length, including bibliography and footnotes, and formatted according to the 16th edition of “The Chicago Manual of Style.” The deadline for articles will be August 1, 2011.

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