Northern Arizona University Job
Job opening for full-time instructor in film studies, with a preference for specialization in comparative world/postcolonial literature and film in the Department of English, beginning Fall 2011.
We are particularly interested in qualified candidates who have completed their Ph.D.s or who have scheduled dissertation defense dates. In Fall 2011, the instructor will be teaching four courses, including the following: ENG 130 (a introductory literature class), two sections of ENG 266 (Literature as Film: two sections will meet simultaneously in large-section format with guarantee of TA-support), and ENG 366.
By April 8, 2011, interested candidates should e-mail to Dr. Jeff Berglund (Coordinator of Literature) a brief letter of interest, a c.v. with updated contact information for three references, and other relevant information–e.g., a writing sample and evidence of effective teaching:<>.
Northern Arizona University is a lovely four-season campus located in the ski-resort, tourist mecca, and college town of Flagstaff. We’ve over 23,000 students on and off campus, and the English Department offers thriving undergraduate and graduate programs (bachelor’s degrees in English and English Education, a Ph.D. in Linguistics, and MA degrees in literature, creative writing, professional/technical writing, rhetoric-comp, English Education, and TESL).