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Climate Stories Project

2014 September 4
by Shared by Steve Rust

My friend and colleague at the University of Oregon, Stephen Siperstein works as the assistant director of the Climate Stories Project. Stephen is encouraging everyone possible to share a brief climate change story on the group’s website. Here’s more informationCapture provided by Stephen:

Hello friends — in these last days of summer/first days of autumn, if you have a few minutes, please consider supporting a project I’m currently working on by recording your own climate change story (click the link to share your story).

You do not need to be a climate change expert. You do not need to have experienced the most devastating effects of climate change. You do not need to have visited a glacier or done something amazing. You only need a smartphone or computer with a microphone, a few minutes, and an interest in thinking about the effects of climate change on your own life and feelings. Please also consider sharing the link. Thanks!


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