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Environmental Humanities Book Chat: Ecologies of the Moving Image

2014 September 14

 This online chat “EH Book Chat 3: Ecologies of the Moving Image” was shared on YouTube on Sep 14, 2014. It is the third edition of the Environmental Humanities Book Chat the topic is Adrian Ivakhiv’s Ecologies of the Moving Image: Cinema, Affect, Nature, 2013. Anna Ã…berg, Royal Institute of Technology, and Seth Peabody, Harvard University, discuss the book with moderator Hannes Bergthaller, National Chung-Hsing University and Würzburg University.

Ecologies of the Moving Image was published by Wilfred Laurier University Press as part of it’s Environmental Humanities Series in 2013. For further details, visit the publisher’s website at…



Anna Ã…berg defended her PhD in 2013 at the Division for the History of Science, Technology and Environment of the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. Her thesis, “A Gap in the Grid,” explores the role of natural gas in late 20th century Sweden. She recently received the Fernand Braudel post-doctoral fellowship for a project on fusion energy research in France and the Soviet Union in which she will examine the narrative and imaginative strategies used by different actors to promote, criticize and interpret technological development. In April 2014, she organized a combined film festival and conference, “Tales from Planet Earth,” as a cooperation between KTH’s newly-formed Environmental Humanities Laboratory and the Center for Culture, History and the Environment at the University of Wisconsin.

Seth Peabody is a graduate student at Harvard University’s Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, where he is working on a Ph.D. thesis on German “Mountain Films” of the Weimar Period. He has been affiliated with the Berkeley-Tübingen-Wien-Harvard, BTWH, research network on modernity in German culture since 2009, and spent the past year as a research fellow at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich. His research focuses on German cinema.

Hannes Bergthaller is associate professor at National Chung-Hsing University in Taichung, Taiwan, and currently an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at the University of Würzburg. He is the author of Populäre Ökologie: Zu Literatur und Geschichte der modernen Umweltbewegung in den USA, Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2007, and co-editor of Addressing Modernity: Social Systems Theory and US Cultures, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011; with Carsten Schinko. He is immediate past president of EASLCE and book review editor of the journal Ecozon@.

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